日期:97年 1 月 10-11 日 (週四、週五) 共二天
新網頁1永續水資源及土壤環境國際學術研討會 研討會宗旨: This Symposium is to establish a forum for the exchange of information on sustainable development of natural environment among international professionals in the field. Distinguished speakers in the field of water and soil environment will be invited to present their recent research advances on sustainable technologies related to soil and water environment. The soil and water environment are important life supporting systems. Sustainable development of the soil and water environment is crucial to the maintenance of life quality. This Symposium will achieve the following objectives: 1) to provide opportunities for international experts to exchange information on the recent development of sustainable technologies in soil and water environment, 2) to inform the public policy makers on recent progress on the development of sustainable technologies in soil and water environment, and 3) to promote research in sustainable technologies in soil and water environment. 主辦單位: -
國立中興大學環境保育暨防災科技研究中心 -
國立中興大學土壤環境科學系 -
國立中興大學環境工程學系 協辦單位:國科會、國科會工程處工程科技推廣中心 日 期:2008 年 1 月 10-11 日 (週四、週五) 共二天 地 點:國立中興大學農環大樓10F ( 演講廳 ) 費 用:一般人士 1000 元;學生 500 元(含論文集、餐點等) 名 額:預計150人,依報名順序額滿為止 聯絡方式: 本研討會已向行政院公共工程委員會申請技師換證積點,及公務人員終身學習護照相關證書,若蒙核准則全程參與者將於會後寄發證明書。 Time | January 10th, 2008 (Thursday) Conference Room, Agriculture Environment Science Hall, NCHU | 08:30-09:00 | Registration | 09:00-09:20 | Opening | Moderator: Prof. Sang-Won Park & Prof. Chih-Jen Lu | 9:30-10:00 | Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Interfacial Interactions: The Impact on Soil Ecosystem and Biodiversity (Prof. Pan Ming Huang) | 10:00-10:20 | Coffee Break | Moderator: Dr. Heung-Jin Choi & Prof. Zueng-Sang Chen | 10:20-10:50 | Sorption Behavior of Cr(VI) Ion onto Five Acidic Soils (Prof. Sang-Won Park) | 10:50-11:20 | Uptake of Organic Compounds by Soil and Protocols for Soil Contamination Levels (Prof. Cary Chiu) | 11:20-11:50 | Remediation of Selenium-Contaminated Soil Using Acids (Prof. Shuzo Tokunaga) | 12:00-13:30 | Lunch | Moderator: Prof. Pan Ming Huang & Prof. Shuzo Tokunaga | 13:30-14:00 | Effect of Applying Activated Carbon and Biosolids on the Growth and Cd Uptake of Soybean (Prof. Chih-Jen Lu) | 14:00-14:30 | Heavy Metal Pollution, Food Safety and Soil Remediation Techniques Applied in Paddy Soil Environment: Research Experiences and Perspectives in Taiwan (Prof. Zueng-Sang Chen) | 14:30-15:00 | Protocols on Characterizing Soil Organic Contamination Levels (Dr. Heung-Jin Chiou) | 15:00-15:30 | Coffee Break | Moderator: Prof. Irene Lo & Prof. Say Leong Ong | 15:30-16:00 | Innovative Technologies in Water and Wastewater Treatment (Prof. Guohua Chen) | 16:00-16:30 | Destruction of Dimethyl Phthalate in Water via Ozonation in a High-gravity Rotating Packed Bed (Prof. Ching-Yuan Chang) | 16:30-17:00 | Highly Adsorptive Membrane for Effective Removal of Heavy Metal Ions (Prof. Renbi Bai) | Time | January 11th, 2008 (Friday) Conference Room, Agriculture Environment Science Hall, NCHU | Moderator: Prof. Renbi Bai & Prof. Tsair-Fuh Lin | 09:00-09:30 | Sustainable Strategies in Water Resource Management (Prof. Say Leong Ong) | 09:30-10:00 | Recovery of Spent Filter Backwash Water by Using Coagulation-Assisted Membrane Filtration: Effects of Floc Properties on Membrane Flux (Prof. Chihpin Huang) | 10:00-10:20 | Coffee Break | Moderator: Prof. Guohua Chen & Prof. Chihpin Huang | 10:20-10:50 | Permeable Reactive Barriers: From Laboratory Treatability Studies to Full-Scale Systems (Prof. Irene Lo) | 10:50-11:20 | Occurrence of Cyanobacterial Toxins and Their Treatment in Drinking Water Systems (Prof. Tsair-Fuh Lin) | 11:20-11:50 | Removal of Perchlorate from Water by Functionalized Activated Carbon Adsorption (Prof. C.P. Huang) | 11:50-13:30 | Lunch | Moderator: Prof. Ke-Sheng Cheng & Prof. Ming-Der Yang | 13:30-14:00 | Detection of Nitrogen Over Fertilization by Hyperspectral Imager and Its Applications (Prof. Yuan Shen) | 14:00-14:30 | Application of ISIS Hyperspectral Optical Remote Sensing Imagery on Monitoring the Water Quality of Tseng-Wen Reservoir (Prof. Cheng-Chien Liu) | 14:30-14:50 | Coffee Break | Moderator: Prof. Yuan Shen & Prof. Cheng-Chien Liu | 14:50-15:20 | Reservoir Eutrophication Monitoring Using Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery (Prof. Ming-Der Yang) | 15:20-15:50 | Monitoring Landcover Changes and Landuse Pattern Using Remote Sensing Images – An Exemplar Study in Central Taiwan (Prof. Ke-Sheng Cheng) | Moderator: Prof. C.P. Huang | 15:50-16:30 | Discussion & Closing Remarks | |