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查詢結果顯示 - (查詢筆劃為 14 劃)

序號 筆劃 中文 日文 英文
41 14-41 滲井 rummel; soakage pit; soaking pit; soakaway; sump
(A) dry well
42 14-42 滲流水 浸透水 seepage water
43 14-43 滲流線 浸潤線 line of seepage; seepage line; top flow line
44 14-44 滲透性 透水性 permeability
45 14-45 滲透係數 透水係数 coefficient of permeability; permeability coefficient; transmission constant
46 14-46 滴濾池;生物過濾池 散水ろ床 bacteria bed; bacteria filter; biolgical filter; bio-filter; filter bed; percolating filter; sprinkling filter; trickling filter
47 14-47 滯性;粘滯性 粘性 viscosity
48 14-48 滯性流體;粘滯性流體 粘性流体 viscous fluid
49 14-49 滯洪水庫 こう水調節池 detention basin; detention reservior; retention basin
50 14-50 漲潮 上げ潮 rising tide; flood tide
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