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土木工程及施工機械名詞手冊 回至主頁  回至上一頁


查詢結果顯示 - (查詢筆劃為 14 劃)

序號 筆劃 中文 日文 英文
21 14-21 戧臺;平臺 犬走り berm; banquette
22 14-22 戧堤 小段 berm; banquette
23 14-23 摺尺 折尺 folding pocket rule; folding rule; folding scale; zigzag rule
24 14-24 摺板屋頂;稜形屋頂 折板構造 folded plate (roof); folded slab (roof); hipped plate (structure); prismatic pitched slab structure; prismatic roof; prismatic slab; prismatic shell; prismatic structure
25 14-25 摺葉閘門 フラップゲート flap gate; pivot leaf gate
26 14-26 構架 骨組 frame structure; skeleton; frome work; structural frame work; framing
27 14-27 構腔拱 スパンドレルブレースリブアーチ spandrel bracedrib arch
28 14-28 構造用鋼 構造用鋼 constructional steel; structural steel
29 14-29 ほぞ継手 mortise joint; tenon joint; mortise and tenon joint; mortice and tenon joint
30 14-30 滾壓 転圧締め rolling; compaction by rolling; roller compaction
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